Extramural grants awarded to WashU Medicine to support Medical Education Research by WashU Medicine faculty:
U24 HG009158 (MPI Jeffe/Rice)
National Human Genome Research Institute
“Data Analysis and Coordinating Center (DACC) for Research Training Activities”
R01 GM085350 (MPI Jeffe/Andriole)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (MPI: Jeffe/Andriole)
“Promoting Research Careers among Underrepresented Minority Physicians”
2R01 GM085350 (MPI Jeffe/Andriole)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
“Promoting Research Careers among Underrepresented Minority Physicians”
3R01 GM085350-07S1 (PI Jeffe)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
“Promoting Research Careers among Underrepresented Minority Physicians”
5 R01 GM085350-07 (PI Jeffe) 9/01/2018-6/30/2022
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
“Promoting Research Careers among Underrepresented Minority Physicians”
R01 GM094535 (MPI Tai/Wathington; sub MPI: Jeffe/Andriole)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
“Transitions in the Education of Minorities Underrepresented in Research”
R01 HS018734 (PI Murray; Co-investigator Klingensmith)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
“Teamwork, communication and decision-making: an assessment program using simulation”
(PI Hageman)
Association of Standardized Patient Educators Collaborative Project (ASPE)
“Predictive Validity of Clinical Competency Exams”
(PI Hamilton; Co-investigator Klingensmith)
July 2008-June 2009
American College of Surgeons/METI Fund for Research in Surgical Team-Based Training
“The use of simulation in teaching trauma competencies and team function”
(PI Andriole)
AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs Collaborative Project Grant.
“What Predicts Academic Medicine Career Choice among Contemporary US Allopathic Medical Graduates?”
U18 HS016652 (PI Murray; Co-investigator Klingensmith)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
“Acute Care Management Skills: An Assessment Program for Graduate Physicians”
(PI Andriole)
AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs Collaborative Project Grant
“The Non-traditional Medical Graduate”