The following offices and organizations provide support for research and scholarship in health professions education:

Becker Medical Library

The collection of Medical Education Resources at the School of Medicine’s Bernard Becker Medical Library provides a wealth of resources for medical education researchers, including online access to scholarly journals, eBooks, databases and scientific images.

Go to the Becker Guide to Medical Education Resources »

Journals publishing health professions education scholarship

Both disciplinary journals and education journals publish research and scholarship in health professional education. The Group on Educational Affairs of the Association of American Medical Colleges has published the AAMC GEA Annotated Bibliography of Journals for Educational Scholarship, available here.

Grants Office

The Washington University Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR) Grant Team is one of several central administration offices that plays a role in research administration activities. The Grant Team is responsible for:

  • Reviewing proposals prior to submission to funding agencies
  • Establishing and maintaining accounts for funded projects
  • Issuing outgoing subawards via the SUBSystem on SPA funds
  • Reviewing and processing documents and letters for submission to funding agencies.

Proposals must be submitted through the Grant Team for review and signature by an institutional official prior to submission to the funding agency.

Go to Grants Office »


The Washington University Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) and Institutional Review Board (IRB) protect the rights and welfare of people recruited for and participating in human research. Their website provides guides, policies and other resources to help researchers comply with federal guidelines and ethics related to human research.

Go to HRPO website »

Medical Education Research Unit (MERU)

The Medical Education Research Unit (MERU) provides consultation and research guidance to investigators engaged in medical education outcomes research, as well as assistance with the development and evaluation of educational programs and new curricula. In addition, this educational entity offers expert guidance with new instrument development and validation, provides opportunities for collaboration in the conduct of medical education research at WashU Medicine, and conducts educational research on the educational progress and career paths of WashU Medicine students and graduates.

Go to MERU »

Workshops and conferences

National conferences include the AMEE and AAMC annual meetings. In addition, the School of Medicine organizes several workshops and conferences focused on health professions education.

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