WashU Addresses AI Technology

Dear Members of the WashU Community,   There has been much discussion recently surrounding the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI that uses algorithms to quickly produce content such as text, images, music, videos, code, or other media through the use of commands or prompts.   The power and functionality of these tools has great potential to be incredibly beneficial across all disciplines and among all organizations. Examples […]

WUSM Faculty, Students, and Inter-Professional Colleagues Present at CGEA 2023

Washington University School of Medicine was well represented at the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) 2023 Central Group on Education Affairs (CGEA) Regional Meeting (Indianapolis, IN, April 18-20, 2023). Congratulations to these authors and their presentations! •    Carrie C. Coughlin, S. Richard Dunham, Meredith Lehman, Lisa Zickuhr, Nicholas L. Griffith, & Janice L. Hanson o    Innovations […]

Mattar named Director of Global Health Education and Partnerships at the SOM

The School of Medicine is committed to building sustainable partnerships and learning opportunities for our students and communities here and abroad. As part of this focus, several initiatives have been implemented. Those include the Health Equity and Justice Curriculum, the Global Health Advocacy Explore and a new intentional streamlined process for Global Health learning and […]

GME Leadership Changes

Tia Drake, our Designated Institutional Official and Executive Director of GME, has made the difficult decision to step down from her role to take on the role of Executive Director of the Association for Hospital Medical Education (AHME). Tia has been deeply involved in AHME for many years, is passionate about the work they do, […]

Eva’s Excerpt September 2022

Welcome to our new students!!!! I LOVE this time of year. Things start to cool off a little, Pedal the Cause is just around the corner (there is still time to sign up), and our new students arrive. Their arrival ushers in such an important excitement and enthusiasm- an excellent reminder of why so many […]

Eva’s Excerpt January 2020

On January 20th, we recognize Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Although advocacy for the creation of Martin Luther King Day began shortly after his assassination in 1968, it was not until 1983 when Ronald Reagan signed it into law as an official holiday. Moreover, it was not until 2000 when all 50 states recognized it […]

St. Louis Integrated Health Network-led Enhanced CenteringPregnancy Collaborative Receives First Place

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kelly McKay-Gist St. Louis Integrated Health Network Phone: 314-657-1506 Email: kmckay@stlouisihn.org St. Louis Integrated Health Network-led Enhanced CenteringPregnancy Collaborative Receives First Place in Council on Patient Safety in Women’s Health Care National Improvement Challenge on Reduction of Peripartum Racial and Ethnic Disparities The Council on Patient Safety in Women’s Health Care […]

Eva’s Excerpt November 2019

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill In medicine and health professions training, we spend a lot of time and effort seeking perfection, or at least near perfection—high test scores, excellent grades, the “right” research project, the most impressive record of service, the best […]

Keystone: The New Teaching and Learning Platform for the Gateway Curriculum

The Gateway Curriculum requires a digital teaching and learning platform designed for Competency-Based Medical Education (CMBE). CBME is built on a foundation of formative and summative assessments of learning, with transparent use of aggregated assessment data to make progression and competency attainment decisions for all students. The Elentra Teaching and Learning Platform began at Queen’s […]