“Heal your mind, heal your body, heal the world.” – Unknown In January, I charged us all with a few resolves for 2024 and intentional focus on communication and feedback, mentoring and role modeling, and wellbeing. March, which marks the beginning of spring, Match Day and March Madness, feels like a fitting time to focus […]
Author: Dr. Eva Aagaard
Eva’s Excerpt February 2024
The last several months I have been reflecting on people who influence who I try to emulate as a physician, teacher and a leader. I remember as a resident being distraught as I realized with certainty that my patient was dying and that nothing I was doing was helping. I felt responsible and like a […]
Eva’s Excerpt January 2024
Nurturing Resolve: A Commitment to Support and Empower Our Education Community As we embark on another year of shaping the minds and character of future healthcare professionals and scientists, it is a time for reflection and renewal. This year, I’d like to call on us all to channel our collective resolve towards supporting and empowering […]
Eva’s Excerpt December 2023
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward The holiday season is a time for gratitude. It is easy to become consumed by the tragedies unfolding around the world and closer to home, and it is important to remember that there remains much to […]
Eva’s Excerpt November 2023
I have been struggling to sleep the last several weeks. I fall asleep fine – generally tired out by the events of the day, but I wake up a few times each night and then drag myself out of bed at 5 AM to start the day. I notice I am not as patient as […]
Eva’s Excerpt October 2023
“Success is Leased and the Rent is Due Every Day” ~ JJ Watt and Buddy Morris Many of you will have read the wonderful article about our LCME outcomes in The Record last month. I hope every one of you is proud of what we have accomplished because it is all of our collective work […]
Eva’s Excerpt September 2023
On Tuesday, September 5th, we welcomed the last of our entering learners (MD Program) to campus. Others, including residents and fellows, have already settled in, but most started sometime in August and are still finding their bearings. I had the pleasure of welcoming some of these amazing people personally during their respective orientations. Each year […]
Eva’s Excerpt August 2023
The Next Era of Student Affairs in the MD Program I am thrilled to announce that Dr. Tammy Sonn has accepted the position of Associate Dean of Student Affairs (January 2024 start). She will be joined by Dr. Colleen Wallace (August 2023 start) in a new role as Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. Dr. Kathy […]
Eva’s Excerpt July 2023
Yesterday we celebrated Independence Day. This holiday, meant to celebrate the principles upon which this country was founded, rang hollow for me this year. I continue to hold out hope that we can both celebrate all we have accomplished as a country, while recognizing the harms and injustices that have occurred, as beautifully described in […]
Eva’s Except June 2023
Was May a whirlwind roller coaster for anyone else? It was completely crazy for me – filled with ups and downs and unexpected turns. Like many of you, I spent a fair amount of May on clinical service. For those of you that do not know, I am a general internist and currently, I only […]